Cuban Travel Business


Visiting Little Havana, Miami, USA

Little Havana Miami

Cuban culture is one of the strongest and most distinctive cultures in the world.

Little Havana, Miami

As such, aspects of the Cuban culture have spread to various other parts of the world, and with the USA being so close by it is no surprise that there are many areas within the country that have been heavily influenced. One such area is Little Havana in Miami.

This is traditionally a place where Cuban nationals would settle in the USA when they first migrated from their home country in search of prosperity.

Whilst a degree of the Cuban flavor has filtered out of the area in recent decades there is still a strong Cuban feel which will appeal to lovers of the Cuban culture.

Walking through Little Cuba, watching men playing dominos on tables outside cafes and people rolling cigars in shops and on stands, you could be forgiven for thinking that you had actually taken the wrong flight and ended up in Cuba itself.

The wonder of the area is that, whilst there is a strong Cuban culture, the residents are still appreciative of the fact that they reside in a foreign country and, as such, are welcoming and open to visitors speaking to them in English whilst they enjoy the cultural delights of the area.

Some of the best features of Little Havana that you should take in are the authentic restaurants, the small but high-quality art galleries, and the traditional street music which provides a theme track to the day-to-day lives of those who live in the area.

What You Must See

  • Cuban Art Center (1465 SW, 8th St, Little Havana, Miami) – Combin seeing Cuban art with having a classic Cuban cocktail.
  • Domino Park.
  • The ‘Bay of the Pigs’ monument.

Where is Little Havana

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